Mold & Radon

A map of Ohio showing the counties we serve, including Perry, Morgan, Washington, Hocking, Athens, Vinton, Meigs, Jackson, and Gallia.

Mold Testing

While mold has little or no effect for some people, others (including those with sensitivities) can experience a number of health problems. Exposure to mold spores can cause symptoms like runny noses, coughing, sneezing, watery eyes, and rashes. If somebody is asthmatic or allergic to mold, their reaction can be even more intense.

Even if you or your family aren’t at risk for the mold’s health problems, it’s always a good idea to identify and remediate it before it spread.

Don’t Put it Off

Mold and radon can be dangerous in high amounts, and without an inspection, it’s hard to tell whether you and your family are safe. Are you looking for peace of mind? Schedule a mold or radon test today!

Radon Testing

Radon testing is the only way to determine if your home has higher-than-average levels of radon, which can pose a health risk to your family. Radon has no smell, taste, or color, and beyond contributing to the development of lung cancer, radon exposure has no symptoms that can be identified by a doctor. That means a radon test is the only way to make sure your home has a safe level of radon.

Radon tests can also save you money if you’re trying to sell your home, because you can provide information about radon levels to potential buyers, and ensure you meet local codes related to radon compliance.